The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) which took effect July 1, 2015. WIOA provides federal funding to local areas to assist individuals with barriers to employment access workforce development services through WIOA Title I funding.
The Prince George’s County Local Workforce Development Area’s WIOA funding is governed by the Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board. The Workforce Development Board has identified three WIOA Title I service providers for Prince George’s County.
Select a provider’s logo below to get more information.
Along with mandated WIOA Title I Workforce Development Service Providers, WIOA also mandates that each state have an Eligible Training Provider List. The State of Maryland’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) is managed by the Maryland Department of Labor.
The ETPL is a database of all the occupational skills training courses and program, along with post-secondary institutions and private career schools, approved to receive WIOA funding by Local Workforce Development Area WIOA Title I Service Providers.
ETPL Trainings are accessible to eligible WIOA participants and provide national and industry recognized credentials through accredited post-secondary institutions and private career schools. The ETPL allows consumers to research career and training options suitable to their interests. The ETPL is continuously updated to provide accurate information on currently approved eligible programs. To search for an ETPL training provider or training program, click on a button below.

Prince George's County Local Training Provider List (Non-WIOA Funded Courses)
The Prince George's County Workforce Development Board works tirelessly to ensure the Prince George's County Public Workforce System, branded and modeled as the Prince George's County American Job Center Community Network, provides job seekers with a large quantity and variety of occupational skills and entrepreneurship training. Utilizing multiple non-WIOA funded grants and revenue streams, the Prince George's County American Job Center Community Network provides Prince George's County job seekers with a menu of non-WIOA funded training. Prepare for your next career move, or future business, by enrolling in the training included on the Prince George's County Local Training Provider List.
Local Workforce Development Board’s may utilize alternative training methods only when one or more of the Maryland Department of Labor’s five exceptions apply and the Local Workforce Development Area has fulfilled the consumer choice requirements of 20 CFR 680.340, as described in the Maryland Department of Labor’s Policy Issuance 2017-09.
The Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board must document local policies and procedures as related to the Maryland ETPL, including the handling of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
FREE Online Training
Through a partnership with Metrix Learning, the American Job Center Community Network is offering FREE online training for Prince George’s County residents and businesses through our Skillup Electronic Learning Management System (ELMS). Skillup offers 4,500+ online career readiness trainings, occupational skills trainings, professional development, and certificate trainings.